AI Research
AI research at Lund University
Research on artificial intelligence and machine learning is performed in many forms and by many organisations at Lund University.
Faculty of Engineering - LTH
- Automatic Control
Machine learning for automatic control, robotics. - Biomedical Engineering
Machine learning for medical images analysis, prostethics. - Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Statistical signal processing, computer vision, machine learning, reinforcement learning, optimisation, probability theory. - Computer Science
Artificial intelligence; natural language processing; computer graphics; machine learning in software engineering; open data; robotics. - Design Sciences
Digitalisation of health and medical care (eHealth@LU) - Electrical and Information Technology
Artificial intelligence, natural language processing, computer graphics, machine learning, software engineering of/in intelligent systems. - RobotLab LTH
Centered around industrial manipulators with open control system architectures. - Technology and Society
Machine learning for traffic safety; AI governance; AI transparency; socio-legal impact of autonomous and AI-driven technologies.
Faculty of Humanities
- Department of Philosophy
Cognition, robotics, responsible AI. - Digital Cultures
- Humlab
Machine learning, eye tracking.
Faculty of Medicine
- CardioThoracic Sciences (AICTS)
- Cell Death, Lysosomes and AI
- Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund
MR interpretation, EEG. - Department of Translational Medicine
- LU Skin Cancer Research group
Faculty of Science
- Centre for Environmental and Climate Research
Deep learning, artificial neural networks, medical applications, omics data predictions, image data analysis - Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Statistical signal processing, computer vision, machine learning, reinforcement learning, optimization, probability theory. - Department of Biology
Biomimetic computing.
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Department of Psychology
Natural language processing, language and health. - Department of Political Science
Responsible AI.
School of Economics and Management
- Department for Business law
Legal aspects of artificial intelligence and automated decision-making.
Research projects
Some ongoing and finished AI related research projects are listed at