ADM Nordic
- Nordic network for automatic decision making
Founded as a collaboration between Denmark, Sweden and Finland, ADM Nordic sets the ground for interdisciplinary research for automated decision-making systems in the Nordic public sector.
The main idea behind the network stemmed from the need to understand the social implications of automated decision-making (ADM). Due to the lack of empirical studies in this area, scholars from the University of Helsinki, Lund University and University of Copenhagen coordinated the project with the aim to conduct transnational fieldwork and fill this gap in the existing research.
ADM Nordic is a collaboration of various departments: researchers in law, anthropology, computer science and media have united to study how the ADM affects employees and citizens in the context of public sector. Overall, the objectives of the network can be summarized as follows:
- Outline a multidisciplinary research agenda for studying current developments in the use of automated decision-making systems, focusing on the Nordic public sector.
- Develop empirical baselines for beginning to assess the impact of automation on employees and citizens whose work practices and data feed automated decision-making systems.
- Facilitate coordinated fieldwork on ADM projects in Sweden, Finland and Denmark, with outlooks to comparable cases in Europe.
- Link computer science to humanities and social sciences to thereby strengthen future interdisciplinary research on automation across institutional and national boundaries in the Nordic countries.
By collaborating with ADM Nordic, AI Lund fosters knowledge exchange between the members of both organizations, adding value to the overall mission of both networks.

Stefan Larsson
Senior Lecturer at Lund University
Co-PI at ADM Nordic