AI Lund Internal
Open opportunities
Generative AI in Research
- GPT in Research Interest Group
How AI Lund works
Aim and organisation
Membership – expectations and opportunities
Procedures for events and communication
AI Lund – Open opportunities
Apply for seed-funding through AI Lund Initiatives
Next deadline: 15 April 2025
The idea behind the AI Lund Initiative is to use minimal bureaucracy and rapid decision-making processes to stimulate small projects within research, education, and external engagement with budgets in the range of SEK 20,000–70,000. The project that you apply for should benefit a broad section of the AI Lund community. We prioritise ideas which will benefit many in the AI Lund community.
Examples of initiatives
- writing a research application
- organising a workshop or a “hackathon”
- arranging a public meeting
- formulating a proposal for a MOOC in order to apply for funding from another source
Granted initiatives (2023-2024)
Autumn 2024
- Pilot Testing a Unified AI Platform for Enhanced Learning
Burak Tunca, Lund University School of Economics and Management - AI-assisted tool to analyse disturbing content on grey-zone websites
James Pamment, Department of Strategic Communication - Spatial is special: from AI to GeoAI for urban sustainability
Pengxiang Zhao, INES - International Collaboration for Computational Audio/Voice Analysis,
Veerle Eijsbroek, Department of Psychology - LLM-assisted multi-lingual stance detection on the topic of migration crisis on social media texts
Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Center for Languages and Literature - Conference in Lund on the theme of Fairness and Consumer Welfare in the EU AI Act
Behrang Kianzad, Department of Business Law, School of Economics and Management, Lund University - Workshop on Risks and Beniefits with AI in research - Ethical Perspectives,
Karl Åström, Department of Mathematics
Spring 2024
- Collecting Data for Developing Precision AI for Mental Health
Zhuojun Gu, PhD candidate at the Department of Psychology - Shaping our future discussions with the Microscope
Nils Norlin, Lund University Bioimaging Center - Maintaining and Further Developing the Text-Package
Oscar Kjell, Docent at the Department of Psychology - LU AI Standardisation Research Network
Stefan Larsson, Technology & Society, LTH - Advancing Fluid Simulations with AI: Physics-Informed Neural Networks
Rixin Yu, Department of Energy Science - AI Engineering Ethics in Swedish Higher Education
Erik Persson,Department of Philosophy, and Maria Hedlund, Department of Political Science - AIstatPal: AI as a Pal in Statistical Education - Bridging Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
Behnaz Pirzamanbein, Department of Statistics, LUSEM - Describe AI research at Lund University with AI
Peter Berck, Humanistlaboratoriet, Jonas Wisbrant, AI Lund & Marianne Gullberg, NAC
You can apply for funding for:
- working hours by Lund University staff
- premises and refreshments
- equipment or calculation capacity
- communication with AI Lund’s external and internal target audiences
- other expenses
Who can apply?
- all employees of Lund University who are members of AI Lund.
In order to apply for funding for an AI Lund Initiative, you need to submit an application, approximately one A4 page in length, that includes the following:
- who is applying?
- a brief description of purpose and aims.
- a brief description of how it will be carried out.
- If the initiative you apply for is not an outreach activity on its own account you should also suggest, and include in the initiative, how you intend to spread the experiences and/or result to a broader group within and/or outside Lund University
- a budget plan describing what support is requested and, where applicable, any other funding bodies
Applications can be submitted at any time before the deadline. The following cut-off dates apply for the submission of applications.
- 15 October 2024
A positive decision might come with constructive conditions.
Use the form at to submit your proposal.
You can expect to receive your decision two weeks after the most recent submission deadline. There will be expectations of a minor reports on economy and results.
Join GPT in Research Interest Group
We are looking for people that are interested in applying GPT in research, and the possibility of starting an interest group for this. As you are familiar with, GPT has made groundbreaking advances in how we think about AI and its possibilities. These opportunities may be particularly relevant for research in behavioral science. GPT may, for example, be used to generate stimuli material, analyze and quantify participants' responses in experimental data. It can also be used for generating simulated participants, with certain demographic roles, and be instructed to respond to surveys consisting of rating scales or open-ended questions, which then can be analyzed with conventional statistical procedures. As this field is very novel, I believe it is essential to focus on these possibilities now, where you have an opportunity to be the first to publish on an aspect that is relevant for your research interest on this topic.
Contact:sverker [dot] sikstrom [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se
Join the interest group by filling out the form at:
Planning in progress: Lund University research described by AI – Hackathon [Date TBD]
The registration deadline is: [TBD]
In autumn 2023, AI Lund is launching a project that aims to use modern language models and the University’s publications database to create a prompt and filter-driven platform for generating usable descriptions of the University’s AI-related research.
We hope that many of the University’s NLP programming researchers and data scientists wish and are able to participate on [DD MM], but we are also keen to make contact with:
- web programmers
- bibliographers
- those at the University who are interested in helping to assess the quality of the descriptions that the platform generates.
We will also try to ask AI related researchers at the University to describe their own take on AI research so that we can evaluate the platform by comparing the original to what the platform creates.
Examples of use cases that we are sketching out:
- Which researchers at Lund University are working on AI solutions within Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s research, by faculty?
- Describe, in 500 words, what AI-related research is being undertaken within the Faculties of Humanities and Theology.
- Summarise AI-related research applications by researchers in the social sciences and medicine that have been approved in the last five years.
- Summarise research within the LU profile area Natural and Artificial Cognition, which highlights technical application of insects’ senses.
Register for the hackathon to be held on DD MM and/or the follow-up work via the link that will be posted here.
New or updated AI MOOCs
Lund University’s three AI-related MOOCs have a large and increasing number of participants, but there is scope and opportunity to develop more MOOCs in the area of AI.
If you have an idea for a MOOC, would like to know more or find out how we can support the development of MOOCs, contact: susanne [dot] norrman [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se.
AI Lund's organisation
AI Lund’s organisation
One of the aims of AI Lund is to gather and highlight the research, education and external engagement that is undertaken within AI at Lund University. Another aim is to make AI-related research, education and external engagement accessible within and outside the university.
The organisation can be described as a network that is primarily funded by Lund University. At present, AI Lund has basic funding up to and including 2024. In order to coordinate the initiative we have the following structures and processes with nominated participants:
Management group – ongoing discussions at weekly meetings
- Kalle Åström, Professor Mathematics (Coordinator AI Lund, AI research)
- Susanne Norrman, Head of unit Externa Relations (education, economy)
- Eva Westin, Administrative manager, Automatic Control (projects and logistics)
- Jonas Wisbrant, Communicator AI Lund (communication, networks and projects)
Coordination group – evaluates the whole and discusses strategic issues two or three times per semester (18 people)
Theme groups – discuss research and external engagement every fourth Friday
- AI in working life (Anamaria Dutceac Segesten)
- AI in care and medicine (Sonja Aits)
- AI in the public sector (Stefan Larsson)
- Natural and artificial cognition - LU Profile NAC (Kalle Åström)
- AI technologies, LTH profile AID (Emma Söderberg)
- AI about and in education (Susanne Norrman)
AI Lund network for employees at Lund University
You can join the AI Lund network at two levels.
AI Lund Subscriber
You can join the network as a subscriber by signing up to our newsletter. You join using the following link [] or when you sign up to a seminar or workshop.
AI Lund Member
You can also join the network as a member. That opens up further opportunities and expectations.
AI Lund members within the University are welcome to:
- apply for assistance through AI Lund Initiative
- be visible on
- propose AI Lund seminars
- contact the AI Lund network with general or targeted offers or requests.
As a member, you might also receive tailored offers from other members and requests based on interests and organisation.
You can join the network by registering at
When you register, you can decide whether or not you wish to appear on AI Lund’s list of contacts for AI issues on or to receive targeted invitations and requests based on your interests.
You can update your requests by filling in the form again.
Procedures for communication and events
Gathering those interested in AI from academia, the business world and the public sector is central to AI Lund.
Via our mailing lists, we reach around 3,500 members and subscribers in Sweden and around the world, one to two times per week.
Here, we describe some tried and tested procedures for communication within Lund University and beyond.
Online lunch seminars – Wednesdays 12-13
Lunch seminars are conducted on Wednesdays with between 30 and 150 participants. These consists of a 20 to 40 minute presentation by a researcher from LU or by an external guest. Afterwards, everyone is invited to join in a discussion. The presentation is often recorded and uploaded onto AI Lund TV at our homepage.
Email suggestions for speakers and titles to jonas [dot] wisbrant [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se, and we will get back to you with proposals for Wednesdays that are free.
Once you have agreed on date, the event and the registration form and zoom link are added to the public calendar and published in the newsletter.
An abstract and final title are required at least three weeks in advance. Around two weeks before the seminar, the invitation is sent out.
If you invite a guest speaker from outside the Lund University we suggest that you are prepared t act as introducer and moderator.
Fika-to-fika workshops – presentations and discussions with lots of networking
A fika-to-fika workshop takes place on a weekday, between 9.30 and 15.30, with a particular theme, for between 70 and 300 participants. Mingling over fika and long breaks are central to the networking element.
Three months notice is often necessary, and we try to avoid scheduling workshops with less than two or three weeks between dates. Contact jonas [dot] wisbrant [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se in order to coordinate with existing planning and to discuss what AI Lund’s contribution might be.
Sponsored events
If anyone at Lund University is planning an AI-related event, AI Lund can offer communication, registration systems and possible financial support for the cost of premises, for example. If you need financial support to invite guests or similar, you can apply through AI Lund Initiative.
Communication within the network
There is no single person or group at Lund University who knows about everything that is happening in the area of AI. AI Lund would like to help you spread LU-based AI news or events on and in the newsletter.
Contact: Jonas [dot] Wisbrant [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se
Sharing requests and offers through the AI Lund network
Forward planning: at least 3-4 weeks response time
With about 3,000 subscribers and members, AI Lund can advertise requests and offers on AI Lund’s webpages and in our newsletter. We can also send targeted mailshots to selected sections of our 1,000 strong membership both at Lund University and beyond, based on a combination of organisation and stated interests.
If you would like to take up the opportunity to spread information through the network, write a brief text and sed to jonas [dot] wisbrant [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se. Also include:
- links
- any applicable deadlines for action
- how urgent the request is
- your contact information
- whether you think that a mailshot to a smaller section of the network might benefit you
If the text is complete and suitable, we publish it straight onto the website and add a link in AI Lund’s newsletter for suitable target audiences.
If you would like us to send out a targeted mailshot, we will discuss an appropriate selection based on interests and organisation. Once we have agreed, we email your message as a BCC from info [at] ai [dot] lu [dot] se.
Contact: Jonas [dot] Wisbrant [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se
How AI Lund works
Aim and organisation
Membership – expectations and opportunities
Procedures for events and communication
Workshop: 24 October 10-12+ lunch: Building and sharing machine learning demo applications within life sciences: a practical tutorial
This event is open to everyone at Lund University. It consists of a workshop followed by a free lunch for participants. During the lunch the participants will have an opportunity to informally chat with AI data engineers from the SciLifeLab Data Centre to discuss the needs for services and research infrastructure in life science research using machine learning methods.
Title: Building and sharing machine learning demo applications within life sciences: a practical tutorial.
Organizer: AI Data Engineers from the SciLifeLab Serve team.
Where and when: October 24, 2024 at 10:00-13:00 at room Rådslaget, BMC Hus E (Sölvegatan 19, 223 62 Lund)
10:00-12:00: Workshop
12:00-13:00: Lunch
Read more and sign up at