Girls Sc(AI)ence 1: Tips for creating and curating diversity in science practices

Creating a research network to foster woman's partcipation in technoscience.
An online lecture and on-site seminar in the serie Girls Just Want To Have Sc(AI)ence.
Topic: Tips for creating and curating diversity in science practices
When & where: 18 March 2025
- 12.30 to 13.20: Hybrid lecture on zoom
- 12.30 to 15.30 On-site lecture plus workshop in SOL:A129b, Helgonabacken 12, Lund, Sweden
Invited speaker: Ericka Johnson, Professor at Linköping University
Read more about the workshop series "Girls just want to have Sc(AI)ence” at
Programme 18 March
12.30 - 13.20: Keynote by Ericka Johnson, Professor at Linköping University, hybrid.
This talk will share some practical steps people can take in scientific work-environments - especially but not limited to academic ones - to nurture and draw on the benefits of diversity and inclusion. We will discuss concrete recruitment
and evaluation tips, but also explore about how scientific practices and production can be changed to be more inclusive - and thereby also more relevant.
(Coffee break)
13.45-15.15: hands-on workshop
Here, participants will be invited to share their own research practices and discuss how to use tools and theories from feminist approaches to design and implement more ethical, diverse-oriented and equality-driven research.
On-site participation, also open to the public but pre-registration is required.
To participate is free of charge.
Sign up to participate online for the lecture or for both lecture and workshop at
This event is sponsored by WASP HS and Lund university profile area Natural and Artificial Cognition
About the event
SOL:A129b, Helgonabacken 12, Lund, Sweden and online
valentina [dot] fantasia [at] lucs [dot] lu [dot] se